the result of TOEIC IP

The result of TOEIC IP test, which I took on last Wednesday, has just come. The result was little bit less than I had expected to. Total score is 890.

When I took the TOEIC IP test, my condition was nearly perfect and I had extra 10 minutes for reading section. Moreover, I didn’t happen to lose my concentration during the listening section. For these reasons, I thought I could take the highest score ever. But maybe I was little optimistic. The result was, Total score 890, listening score 455, and reading section 435.

I was little shocked for Listening section because my score dropped 25 points from 480 score, which I had before. Since I’ve entered this university, my English listening skill have certainly been downskilled.

10 points improved on the reading section, contrastingly. However, this time I had extra 10 minutes, and I could review the questions efficiently. So probably this is my current English ability. Maybe I cannot get higher score even how I try to read faster.

Well, the result was little bit lower than I had expected to. But what I worry about is the TOEIC secured program, which I took earlier. I was happened to lose my concentration on listening section, and I could not use extra 5 minutes on that test.

Well, by the way, from Today, I am in the summer vacation ! I am planning to study for TOEIC and Eiken and TOEFL. I will get Eiken first grade on next Eiken exam. So please continue to cheering me (←Who am I saying to?)

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